Cloud: Boosting Data Security and Accessibility

Protect your data and applications no matter where they reside to avoid costly business interruptions or to meet compliance requirements with a comprehensive cloud backup and archive solution. Now you can securely extend your on-premises backup storage and data archiving solutions to the cloudreducing cost and complexity, while achieving efficiency and scalability.

Smart cloud backup and archive solutions help you keep pace with the growth of your enterprise data while lowering overall deployment and management costs. With a low-cost, massively-scalable, tiered backup and archive cloud storage solution, you’ll also simplify budgeting while lowering capital expenditures with a pay-as-you-go cloud model.

Are you ready to leverage the cloud for smart backup and archive?

cloud backup and cloud archive solutions - cStor

Key Components to Determining Your Recovery Time Objectives (RTOs)

Outage Frequency

How often a particular type of outage occurs

Outage Severity

How serious the consequences of an outage are

Outage Cost

How much money an outage will cost your organization

Outage Duration

How long the outage will last

Benefits of Our Cloud Backup & Recovery Services

Utilize Senior Cloud Architect Support

Save Money & Resources

Improve Data Protection

Automate Routine Processes

Leverage Flexibility & Scalability

Simplify & Accelerate Data Recovery

More Insights on Cloud Backup & Recovery from Our Blog

Key Benefits of a Hybrid Cloud Model for Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery


What ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ Can Teach Us About Enterprise Backups in the Cloud


Cloud Backup and Recovery Solution Overview


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